The School Health Initiative

September 8th, 2023 | Posted By: lklein26 | Posted in News

The School Health Initiative (SHI) is a student-led collaboration between the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Rales Health Center that was formed to support the delivery of school-based healthcare. SHI is unique in researching and developing programs that support healthy living, facilitate the detection and control of chronic conditions such as asthma, and promote health education among Baltimore City youth and their families. The SHI is also a way for medical students to become involved with the community and learn more about school-based health. This year, the SHI is helping to support vision screenings, the Healthy Lifestyles Weight Management Program, and the Youth Advisory Council, a committee that KIPP students can join to raise awareness about health issues impacting their communities. Other projects include conducting early detection of asthma and connecting children and their families to resources and treatment.Â