Parents and student ambassadors filled the Team and Family Room at KIPP Baltimore on Friday, Nov. 13, to celebrate the dedication of a new endeavor to ensure that Baltimore City students from economically disadvantaged communities achieve…
November 17th, 2015
Posted in News
Thanks to a partnership with the Rales Center at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, KIPP Baltimore now is able to offer primary care health services to 1,500 students. Students suffering from chronic diseases will be able to take…
November 17th, 2015
Posted in News
Children suffering from chronic conditions, like asthma or diabetes, are more likely to miss school and lag behind academically. There is now strong evidence suggesting health problems in childhood can also thwart lifelong success well beyond…
November 12th, 2015
Posted in News
On November 13th, Johns Hopkins will unveil a new initiative that combines health and education to eliminate health barriers to academic and life success. The Ruth and Norman Rales Center for the Integration of Health…